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Case Study

SmartSheet enhancement for a Pharmeceutical Partner

Mid-Sized Cell & Gene Biotechnology Company

Company Size: Approximately 500

Our client for this SmartSheet enhancement project was a mid-size cell & gene therapy company, providing groundbreaking therapies to those with chronic illnesses. With multiple lab locations across different states, patient tracking, manufacturing, and scheduling were complex issues. Rapid growth allowed the client to limp along and paste together spreadsheets that were not integrated. While our client was using SmartSheet, they were not using it to its fullest potential. Cross-functional collaboration, automation, and scheduling were lacking, as well as executive and frontline-level dashboards.


Mid-Size life sciences companies often grow rapidly.  Our client faced significant growth and managed their data as best as they could with the resources available to them.  Across multiple departments, data was managed via SmartSheet and Excel. The key challenges include:

Errors Due to Manual Entry

Wasted Time


Incongruent information across departments


The Objectives Were Simple:

Create Smartsheet integrated master sheets for several departments that are the single source of truth for Operations, Patient Supply, Manufacturing, and the Project Management Office.

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MustardSeed offers expert SmartSheet setup, including:
  • Integrated scheduling
  • Customized dashboard and reporting capabilities
  • Simplified data entry & automation

Batch Tracking Services:

Standardizes supply chain management activities, providing executive leadership with insights into performance across multiple supply chain stages.

Patient Scheduling Services:

Customized solutions for scheduling cell & gene therapy patient services, with emphasis on lab and manufacturing work.

Client Specific Actions:

Our client was a true partner. The first order of business was to ensure that the MustardSeed team had sufficient access into their SmartSheet and Excel data. We spent a few sessions getting to know and understand each of the cross-functional departments and what their data conveyed. Understanding where the paths crossed and where we could push and pull data to other departments was crucial. As we built out the new SmartSheet capabilities, we asked for feedback along the way – we worked in an Agile fashion to ensure the client could provide feedback at all stages of the process.

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  • Enhanced Focus on Core Activities:
    Enabled patient supply and manufacturing to concentrate on serving patients and development instead of data entry.
  • Improved Data Management:
    Delivered clarity in harmonizing organizational supply chain data & forecasting.
  • Increased Efficiency:
    Automated key data entry points to reduce manual entry.
  • Optimized Reporting & Dashboards:
    Conveyed the right data at the right time, presented in impactful and meaningful ways.

Lessons Learned

Custom Solutions:

Tailored SmartSheet solutions are essential for addressing the unique needs of each client.

Leadership Engagement:

Strong leadership buy-in is crucial for the success of project management initiatives.

Breaking Down Silos:

New best practices for connecting disparate teams, reducing duplication of effort, and fostering collaboration.

Breaking Down Silos:

Working incrementally alongside the client to ensure the solution fits the needs and can be pivoted efficiently, if needed.

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