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Establishing a Good Relationship with Your Project Sponsor

Read Time 4 mins | Written by: Kathleen Anderson

Building a strong relationship with your project sponsor is crucial for project success, but, unfortunately, the relationship building process isn’t always easy. It requires clear communication, an understanding of the sponsor’s vision, and proactive involvement in decision-making. Neglecting this relationship can lead to misalignment, lack of support, and potential project failure. unsplash-image-YuO3d4XS6ywAs a project manager (PM), establishing a strong, positive relationship with your project sponsor is crucial for the success of any project. The project sponsor, often a senior executive or team leader, provides the project with necessary resources and support. They typically command authority and influence within the organization, making them a key ally for change management and stakeholder buy-in at all levels. Failing to establish a strong relationship with your sponsor can lead to numerous issues. Without clear communication and alignment, projects can suffer from scope creep, missed deadlines, and inadequate resources. Worst case scenario, a disengaged sponsor may not advocate for the project, leading to reduced support and potential project failure. 

A fundamental first step in building a strong relationship with your project sponsor is understanding their vision and goals for the project. This involves more than just knowing the project’s objectives; it requires insight into the sponsor’s broader strategic aims. For instance, a project manager (PM) overseeing a new software development project should comprehend how this project aligns with the sponsor’s long-term business strategy, such as enhancing customer experience or streamlining operations. When initiating a new marketing campaign, Project Manager Jane took the time to meet with her sponsor, the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), to discuss overarching company goals. She learned that the CMO aimed to enter a new market segment, which guided Jane’s project planning and execution, ensuring alignment with the sponsor’s expectations. 

Communication is the backbone of any successful relationship, and it’s no different with a project sponsor. Establishing regular meetings, providing consistent updates, and being transparent about both progress and setbacks can help to ensure a positive project manager-project sponsor relationship. This approach helps build trust and ensures the sponsor is always in the loop, preventing surprises that could undermine their confidence in the PM or their team. Project Manager Alex scheduled bi-weekly update meetings with his sponsor. He prepared comprehensive status reports that highlighted milestones achieved, upcoming tasks, and potential risks. When the project faced a critical delay, Alex communicated this promptly, along with a mitigation plan, which reassured the sponsor of his proactive management style and the project’s likely success. 

Setting and managing expectations from the outset is critical. Clarify the project scope, timelines, and deliverables with your sponsor. Make sure there is mutual agreement and understanding. Misaligned expectations can lead to dissatisfaction and conflict, which in turn can jeopardize the project’s success. During the planning phase of a new product launch, Project Manager Sarah conducted a detailed scope review with her sponsor. They discussed what could realistically be achieved within the given timeline and budget. This upfront alignment helped avoid future conflicts and ensured that both parties had a clear, shared vision of the project’s outcomes. 

Encouraging your sponsor to provide input and actively involving them in key decisions fosters a sense of ownership and collaboration. It also ensures that the project benefits from their expertise and strategic insights. In a critical phase of developing a new customer service protocol, Project Manager Tom invited his sponsor to a workshop session to scope out the project work. The sponsor’s insights into customer pain points and strategic priorities were invaluable in shaping the project’s direction, ensuring it aligned with broader business objectives. 

Show your sponsor that you are committed to the project and competent in your role. Delivering results, meeting deadlines, and managing your team effectively all contribute to building a positive sponsor perception. When faced with a sudden change in market conditions, Project Manager Lisa quickly adapted the project plan to address new priorities, reallocating resources and adjusting timelines without compromising quality. Her agile approach and proactive problem-solving impressed the sponsor, reinforcing their trust in her leadership. 

In conclusion, fostering a good relationship with your project sponsor is essential for project success. By understanding the sponsor’s vision, maintaining open communication, managing expectations, seeking their input, and demonstrating commitment to project success, you can build a partnership that not only supports but also champions your project. Conversely, neglecting this relationship can result in misunderstandings, reduced support, and ultimately, project failure. Building this relationship takes effort, but the benefits it brings to the project and your professional growth as a PM are invaluable. 

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Kathleen Anderson

Kathleen Anderson is an accomplished Project Manager known for her innovative approach to project management. She has successfully led cross-functional teams in implementing cutting-edge project tracking tools and maintaining critical timelines. Kathleen’s ability to foster collaboration across teams and ensure the seamless operation of complex projects has been pivotal in delivering high-quality outcomes in a timely manner.